Business Solutions

Stand out, and be an attractive magnet for clients and collaborators.

You're looking
for top talent

Professionals appreciate your professionalism. Tell them you respect their privacy, and that’s a bonus for recruitment.

Your clients will
appreciate it

More and more clients value respect for data. Here is an easy chance to show them you do.

You want to
be leading

Lead by example. Also with privacy and the respect of personal data.


We help you stand out and proof
you respect each stakeholder’s identity legacy.

Advisory and training

We help you answer and handle GDPR requests in a respectful way, so that you stand out from the (legal) crowd.

  • Request Handling Policy Design: drafting the policy that will be used by the privacy officers to correctly respond to all the GDPR requests.
  • Privacy Communications Training: learn how to respond to external requests in a service-minded and people-friendly way.
  • Win-Win Marketing Campaign: set up a direct mailing to show all your stakeholders that you want to treat their personal data with respect.

Software to handle requests

We provide you with the business solution to easily follow-up on all GDPR-requests, and trace the correspondence for future legal defence.

See how this solution fits in smoothly with every other IT system.

Read more and order online

Free app for
your stakeholders

We allow you to give our app to your clients, (future) staff, … for them to follow-up their own privacy rights.

Try it yourself first. And see what data other companies store about you.